A sudden clench in a turkeys buttocks down to it's legs. Often used as a joke for memes.
Why was the math book so sad?
Person: I don't know, why?
Booty Clench Turkey Legs
Person: What?
by Taida.uwu March 16, 2020
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When someone, while riding a dick, clenches their ass so hard that it cuts the blood circulation off.
Oh men, that girl was a 10/10 but she sure got a Superman Clench you know?
by SmileyFarts October 15, 2021
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The act of sneaking contraband in to jail by shoving it up your anus/vagina and tightening up your rectal/vaginal muscles
He was caught clenching some cocaine by the guards while being searched
by KittKatt420 May 6, 2021
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Kaeya was a man of honor and pride, he hated being wrong and hated admiting defeat….thats why that night he was clenching harder than ever
Kaeya was clenching his Kaeyussy
by british apologist January 22, 2022
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In other words the vaigina as a grabbing tool.
We went on a date and I got my Johnson caught in her Caterpillar Clench, no complaints
by The Gitfiddl3r May 25, 2021
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Put a 10kg bumble on cock and clench asshole to get a more defined dick.
by Ahh daddy 9000 September 21, 2021
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The act of squeezing you ass cheeks so tight in order to keep the turd from shooting out.
John: Yo it smells in here, do you have to poop?
Tony: Dude my bad my death clench can only hold so long, I need a toilet.
by verny1234567890 January 3, 2012
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