A filler word and/or replacement word for any noun in any sentence
"give me the keys, so I can start the dirka burr, and warm it up
by DANGERdude420 April 10, 2021
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The act of calling someone, Then Repeating "Burr Burr Burr Burr Burr In The Ass" catching them off guard and reacting with a Whooaaaaa.
*ring ring ring*...........Hello? " Burr Burr Burr Burr Burr In The Ass, Burr Burr Burr Burr Burr In The Ass, Burr Burr Burr Burr Burr In The Ass". You just got Burred In The Ass bitch.
by TeleVisionHd January 23, 2011
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a sexy girl to tha millionth power who has blong hair that slowy casgades over her shoulders
haardt is going out with cat
by haardt February 10, 2003
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coined from rap artist gucci mane's ad-lib, "Burr". a state of mind in which you feel it necessary to play excessive amounts of music by gucci, usually very loudly as well.
Friend: Can you give it a rest? You've played that same gucci mane song like 20 times back to back!

You: I can't help it! I'm just on that burr status right now!
by emjay2889 January 1, 2011
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A once ballsy, absolute force of a man who said exactly what everyone thought, but was the only one who was able to say it. He didn’t care about repercussions, and always got his point across.

Called out women at one glorious period for their inconsiderate, whore-like, shitty, selfish, hypocritical, inconsistent and overall lazy behavior. He was also one of the few to actively call out women who began to not put effort into looking good and feminine while also condemning any one of them for being too self-involved, physically or otherwise as mothers when the focus should, rightfully so, be on their kid(s).

He called out John Lennon for being pussy-whipped, then ultimately became a delivery-boy doorman for his ignorant/obnoxious wife. She embodies & represents all of the things he used to joke about, then ultimately opted for staying with her for some reason.

He’s at that part of his life, living the married life he once swore he would never be in and tolerating the shit he used to relentlessly chastise women for. He went from being extremely intolerant and sure of what he wanted to accepting just about anything that occurred, either from his wife or just in general.

He went from being the east coast loudmouth jerk-off to an L.A softie who occasionally gets mad, but rarely to the funny and entertaining levels he once achieved in the 2000s into 2010s. Good he gets to be happy, he has the life he wants I guess, but the drop-off in his comedic quality just can’t be ignored.
Bill Burr was on top of the world for the longest time. He can still be funny, but now he’s much more calm.

I love Bill Burr, he’s the voice the world needs to hear right now, even though he’s just calling out white women these days and not minorities anymore.
by WARSAWWASRAW December 1, 2021
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My papa burr wouldn't let me go out last night.
by frontrow December 7, 2004
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a really stunning, georgious, sexy, awsome, funny, fun to be around, beautiful, nice, devilish woman
i part her____ like moses parts the sea
by haardt March 26, 2003
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