A vehicle, typically from a luxury marque such as Lexus or Mercedes, based on a car chassis, but presented as a utility vehicle. It complete lacks any off-road prowess. Typically driven by wealthy spouses and mistresses. The driver will frequently be on a cell phone while operating the vehicle.
That bitch on the phone in her bimbo box almost ran me off the road!
by cretinx February 3, 2009
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1. A scandal in which a woman publicly accuses a male politician of illicit behavior, such as sexual harassment or an extramarital affair.

2. Media attention focusing on an alleged inappropriate relationship between a woman and a male politician.

Coined by Betsey Wright while working as deputy chair of the 1992 Clinton presidential campaign.
We’ve got real issues to talk about, not the latest bimbo eruption.
by monkey1235 December 31, 2011
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1. A mini-van; usually as a means of conveyance for middle- or high-school aged blonde females to and from soccer practice, junior proms, etc. Origin: Neal Stephenson's novel Snowcrash- perhaps a pun on bento-box (a Japanese lunch box pre-packed with nutritious goodies).
2. Any vehicle driven by a soccermom.
"This huge bimbo-box cut in front of my ride and I couldn't see anything."
"Look out! Sally's drivin' her mom's bimbo-box."
"The enviornment can't afford any more freakin' bimbo-boxes."
by gabe February 9, 2005
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an annoying ass creature that is very unintelligent and is not shit
y’all are bunch of bimbo bitches

meaning you ain’t shit , dumb and annoying as hell
by fromarealone November 12, 2017
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A Bimbo Top is a person whose sexuality leans towards more dominant roles (Top) and is also a bit of a bimbo. Bimbo Tops love snacks, not thinking, and using their hands rather than their words.
“Wow, Brad Leone from Bon Appetit is ditzy but also looks like he could fuck!”
“Yes, he’s a true Bimbo Top”
by Suzy666 April 28, 2020
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