A term for cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder causing a buring sensation and painful urination. May be caused by vigorous and/or frequent sex. Or not knowing how to wipe your arse properly.
"Why are you looking so unhappy?"
"I have fire down below."
by Silverfin September 17, 2006
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Having sex in an underground mine, technically while at least a mile below the ground. Opposite of mile high club.
Rumor is it is that some of those rescued Chilean miners are now members of the exclusive mile below club.
by billthecat October 19, 2010
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the art of being hood
i wear my pants below waist and i never dance up in this place cuz you and your man are planning to hate
by im so hood February 15, 2008
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This is a correction of an old saying; the way to a man's heart actually lies BELOW his stomach. Good sex is more important in attracting men than cooking.
Susie, your mom was a few inches off. The way to a man's heart is actually lies below his stomach, his dick!
by I, Wreckerrr January 10, 2017
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this is a dangerous weapon. anyone got in its proximity (below) is hella gay(only way to deflect hella is reverse card or anti-hella gay shields)
Gru: the person below is hella gay
Boi: wut
Boi: oh shit
by AlexaPlayDespacito2 September 8, 2018
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IQ Below room temperature, a phrase used to describe an individual who is so stupid that the temperature of a room is higher than their IQ Score.
This type of person should cause the standard human to be in pain just having to talk to an individual such as one described here.

*If someone that you believe to have an IQ below room temperature doesn't understand the phrase then they have confirmed your belief.
**Even more effective if you live in a country that uses the metric system!
Connor (Person with an IQ below room temperature): *says some dumb shit*
Ryan: Fucking hell Connor, you've got an IQ lower than the temperature in here!
by DEFINEE July 17, 2020
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Web site devoted to documenting underground internet culture. See www.ashadebelow.org
by Lisa July 23, 2003
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