They give off cute silly little clown vibes. we're getting married, it's canon
Person 1: "Beeb is so wholesome, their meow redeem is so good"
Person 2: "agreed"
by DERNGDONG February 1, 2023
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A beeb is a special type of girlfriend that supplies a large amount of cuteness through chubby cheeks. She is very soft and very small. A beeb is also very cute when she is mad because of how small she is.
Damn! Look at Audwin, I wish I had a beeb like that I wonder how he even got one!
by erinerin February 18, 2020
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A cute nickname for your significant other when you want to be that kind of couple where everyone thinks you're just so darn cute.
Kion: Hey? What am I?

Uptown: You're my Beeb.

Uptown: BbbbBBbeeEEEeEEeEebbBbbB!!!!

Kion: Wat?

Uptown: I love you.
by JJ Bae August 21, 2017
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"yo, she's got MEGA beebs, they're huge!!!"
by WingsOfFreedom March 6, 2022
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A Small buzzy kreecher that eets nektar and stuff
"Oh look a beeb"
"Yes it is indeed a beeb"
by Name Invalid March 31, 2018
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(a noun)(a person) A person named haley
by ._.beeb._. December 1, 2020
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