A man's man who has concreted over 28 years, can bench 275 lbs, and has over 200 bow kills.
The "real deal" who's not afraid to "cash it."
Someone who you'd never talk like "that" to their face whilst you hide behind your computer.
You Internet pussy are fucking crack me up you would not be talking to me like that to my face because I cave your fucking head in you puke. And I am the real deal true bad ass motherfucker bunch of pussy ass bitches

Fuck you puke I’ve got more money in guns and than you could image. I collect lot of tactical stuff and pistols.
by Yoteski July 31, 2018
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A Woman who is a BAD ASS and is smart beutiful and you should never break her heart or she will tear you to tiny little shreads of paper, A BAD ASS WOMAN will beat your ass and then leave you on the floor like that!
Person1# Dam that woman is a bitch
Person2# NO...She is a BAD ASS WOMAN
by BrooklynnISABADBITCH June 3, 2022
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somone porttraying qualites f ruggedness and being tuff, to look at is hard to wnan fight with,also having deep emotions and feeling, never leaving behind a fellow man and usauly morlay righteitehr jaded outlook or past redemption.
"look at him that mutt, hes so abd ass"
"yea dont fuck withhimbut he s a great guy andknows how to treat a lady."
by sean aka mutt January 3, 2005
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a bunch of kids who hang out in drama class not listening to anything anyone says, they often back talk Mrs. McCrackin. People in this clique consist of Erica Jessica Katie Saad and sometimes Ashley. They even get separated. ALOT! sometimes they snort pills for fun. subjects they often talk about: pedro drugs gorillas hoes candy skating movies ect.
Teacher 1: Thoes bad asses are really crossing the line
teacher 2: we ought to kick the out
by yoooo mammmma January 28, 2009
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ugly person, a person who sucks
-hey wanna go out some time?
no fuck you, bad-ass-motherfucker
by Siri October 28, 2004
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Someone dealing with issues while having personality and a bad ass sense of humor.
Damn, that Andrew kid is such a bad ass mother fucker!
by Kayce November 24, 2007
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Is an American that can survive on his own very easily. Usually at a young age. Able to create fires, make a shelter, find edible food, knowing exactly where you are on a map (in the middle of nowhere).
Damn Jimmy is the all-American-bad-ass, that's the biggest fire ever, and it's made out of stones. And he knows exactly where he is, just by looking at some rocks in the distance.
by anthony binas March 9, 2008
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