Something that happens to Durbuhuru every 30 minutes.
01:21 * durbuhuru has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
by MeBeHere January 31, 2004
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The pressure by your peers to do something that they didn't even tell you to do.
Bob: "Hey, guess what? Everyone in this room, all 15 of us, has done cocaine! Yay! Well except for Drew."
*Everyone stares at Drew and the cocaine that's sitting right next to him*
Drew: "Fuck you guys and your Implied Peer Pressure. Fine, Ill do the fucking cocaine!"
by flurpal August 11, 2010
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The term given to the panel of adjudicators who realise that your entry is just too damn disgusting, perverted and depraved to ever be allowed onto the Urban Dictionary site and instead you have to be content with an email alerting you to the fact that it won't be accepted and you simply have to scroll back and forth wondering what it would have looked like on the site possibly being enjoyed by many different people all over the world rather than just your eyes alone in your bedroom. You try not to take the rejection personally, however, it just east you up inside and so you decide to heavily edit your submission and try again. Eventually, it gets accepted but it's lost its bite due to the nature of the many edits made to it. You realise that you are just a sad old bastard with too much time on your hands so you go and fap before falling asleep in your own sweat and semen in your parent's basement.
"Hi Larry, did your Urban Dictionary term get accepted for the site?"
"No Douglas, it didn't get past the Urban Dictionary peer review process."
"Never mind. Please don't try to be too sad about it."
"I need to cry now. Please take my dress off and leave and maybe come back later okay?"
"Sure thing dude although it does look good on me."
by mammarylane September 17, 2017
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A person that will do almost anything just because one of his or her "friends" dares, or tells them to.
Hey bro, I dare you to punch the wall as hard as you can!
OK! (breaks hand)
Bro you're a peer pressure dumb-ass!
by Mr_Avacado_Man November 27, 2017
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The act of someone doing a thing or dressing a certain way (not directly told to) because the popular kids are wearing it and that person wants to be popular
Sam is a victim of Non-Verbal Peer Pressure because tried to wear dresses. She told me "all the cool kids are wearing it and I want to be popular"
by DaftIsTrash October 20, 2018
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The meaning of someone who has just gay friends.
Friend 1: You’re mom gey
Friend 2: Your peers are queers
Friend 1: I’m your peer
Friend 2: Shit
by Shut the up you fatass kid October 17, 2018
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The true ultimate insult, if you say this to someone they will slowly begin to melt in front of you and their life disintegrates before them as you watch their sheer terror from your destructive words.
A: Ur mom gay
B: Ur dad lesbian
A: Ur granny tranny
B: Ur grandpap a trap
A: Ur sister a mister
B: Ur ancestors incestors
A: Ur peers queer
by Pirple March 31, 2018
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