Wizard time is that moment when you are flirting and sparks/lightning/other wizard special effects happen and you realize that you've got them in the bag and you're going to get some tonight.
So I met this guy at a party last night, he bought me a drink, we were talking and it was like BAM! wizard time.
by MinxaMinx January 29, 2011
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Someone who comes heavily stepping in someones domain spewing tremendous clouds of vapor in mysterious styles
That kid came in started doing weird tricks with his vape like he was summoning sime kind of vape demon...HE WAS A CLOUD WIZARD I TELL YOU
by im smokin tooka July 22, 2020
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Bill decided to prod test using his mist wizard.
by Ktripburritos November 11, 2017
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When you cum on accident from a dream
Dude last night I had a invisible wizard my pants were soaked when I woke up
by max baldwin January 23, 2023
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Beer wizardry actually consists of duct taping your 1st empty beer can to the bottom of your 2nd beer. Full beer on top. Repeat. Enjoy.
I can see by your Canadian beer wizard staff you just got to the party. ***Had to add Canadian to get it submitted.***
by March 17, 2023
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A person who bolts to their next class, pretends to be a nice person but really isn't, only takes easy classes, and is usually antisocial, but not in an Introverted way. Also is obsessed with Clash Royale and sits outside during lunch.
Person 1: Yo have you heard of Conor?
Person 2: Yea, he's such a high school wizard
by Not_a_Overwatch_Weeaboo March 3, 2018
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