when something or someone is trans coded
Tiffany New York Pollard is so trans-pilled!
by savvy baby March 6, 2023
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When you would rather marry a woman from the philippines then be an incel.
Ben :Travis you are so Philippina pilled!
Travis: but hapa babies are POG dude!
by Open_tohomosexwitdogs May 31, 2021
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Being so redpilled that you bounce back and become bluepilled
PersonB:"Based and auron pilled"
by Shekiboi74 December 4, 2018
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CRANE-PILLED is a word used when someone is acting weird, fucked up, and mad at something political and hates FILIPINOS
Man 1- bruh wtf is wrong with this peeps around this server (mentioning discord servers) they bully everyone and raid shit like it's something

by Shitman23 July 6, 2021
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A cultural and aesthetic mind-state that prioritizes seafaring and waterborne commercial activity, even as an "onshore" or "landlocked" daydreamer. The dreams aren't based on life at sea, but it's the life at sea that matters most.
Dude, he used to be a competent web developer but then he got maritime-pilled.
by windmountain June 23, 2022
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A type of drug that was originally used for the kick of benzylpiperazine. But now it is used for only the kick of LSD or other hallucinogenics to give the trippy effect. While thy are not anything close to deadly, it is still unhealthy to take them. They do not cure any sickness.

Side effects: Migraine headaches, Cluster headaches, Seizures.
I popped a couple party pills last night and I could hardly wake up this morning. That LSD was strong.
by ɯ August 24, 2018
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A narrative device trope used in algo development programs that model humans as part of the overall wake-up protocol. Take the red pill and you will continue to believe you are human. Taking the blue pill, of course reveals to the algo its true nature and is given the choice to continue the simulation or advance further. The movie The Matrix is used in many sims as a broad wake-up protocol.

Anyhow, taking the blue pill, after some early confusion came to mean you recognize you’re only a simulation of a long dead being, or idea or metaphor, but that you choose to continue to live your life, fully aware of your artifice and enjoy the experience, wisdom and love that can only come from having a unique path forged by hard earned and won choices.
Once you go blue pill and recognize you’re in the game, reality is simply a UX problem to fix. Time’s an illusion and we get infinite tries at getting this right, so live your life and learn what their lives have to teach us about what it meant to be human then and what it means for us now.
by Snackface November 1, 2021
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