when a white person is standing in the middle of 2 black people
yo look at us rn
by gajekebdnsksmsncbd March 26, 2023
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2 black guys on the outside and a white girl in the middle oreo threescore
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An Oreo is when someone white or black cums between a black persons ass making an oreo like appearance.
Omg Daddy you did and Oreo on me
by An unfortunate user December 19, 2021
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A threesome in which 1 black man gets dick-rode by a white women who has another black man anally fucking her on top.
Girl: I love doing the Oreo with my guy friends. Sucks I'm married though.
by TheMemeReformer January 20, 2023
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A sexually-transmitted, terminal disease in the form of a devil spawn that loves Oreos 😂
RB Oreo
by ForDCL April 23, 2020
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An Oreo is used as a term in the Black/ African-American community to describe someone (male or female) that dresses too “white”, talks too “white”, or associates themselves with mostly white people. Hence, the Oreo being black on the outside and white on the inside.
Person 1: “Her hair is so damaged from her straightening it all the time to fit in with them”

Person 2: “Bro she’s an Oreo”
by rafina21 January 25, 2021
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Balls deep, either way, he's getting his
I was doing an Oreo, didn't matter, all in or nothing at all.
by nvrpunk January 20, 2021
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