2 pieces of bread (toasted if you sober enough) with a condiment of your choice in the middle. it could be ketchup or just onions. very good for calories though.
Alex: bro what did you have for breakfast this morning
Jeremy: oh bro I got shitfaced last night so I only had a hangover sandwich
by osama ben ladder September 27, 2021
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getting drunk , fucked and pissed on then falling asleep and waking up the next day.
he had a sticky hangover after they got drunk the night before
by Gozaagustus March 21, 2022
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What you get after a night of smoking really good weed.
I have a Denver Hangover from that dank kush we smoked last night.
by The Fred man September 20, 2019
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being totally incapable and sluggish after eating a huge meal
you: well its only 8:15pm we still have time to do something while we're downtown?

me: are you crazy! i'm gonna sit this dinner hangover out by doing my favorite activity, Nothing! Now if you'll excuse me i'm gonna slowly morph into the car-seat.
by fuzzypeachezzzz September 23, 2010
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when you've listened to a song over and over and over again, and you can no longer stand even hearing the first five seconds of it anymore. the hangover part insists that it was near euphoric when you listened to it the first dozen times, and now that you've had too much, you feel like absolute shit, akin to a regular hangover.
Person One: "Hey bro, what song's next?"
Person Two: "Hoe Cakes, by MF DOOM."
Person One: "Oh dude, I can't stand that shit anymore."
Person Two: "Bro why? I thought that was your shit!"
Person One: "Nah, I just have a replay hangover."
by emeff meme January 1, 2016
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Next day regret from an E-Bay purchase.
"Yesterday I bought a fairing bracket on E-Bay. Now I have an E-Bay Hangover trying to pay for it."
by Pirate 2112 October 31, 2011
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A feeling of nausea, fatigue, and general awfulness experienced after attempting a difficult math problem.
"Man, that algebra homework last night was SO HARD!"

"Yeah bro, it gave me a Math Hangover. I've had 5 cups of coffee this morning and I woke up with a calculator taped to my forehead."
by TheMedicareMathlete July 21, 2016
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