Obviously, the best pker in all of Runescape is Frosted Nuts. Nobody can even come close to his godlike power. If you were in the unlikely even of meeting this mighty warrior in PVP, you might as well start dropping your own nuts.
Person 1: Dude! I saw Frosted Nuts in PVP the other day!
Person 2: So what happened?
Person 1: I don't even remember! It was mad! All I do remember is that he was completely impervious to my attacks. He was like a GOD. When I was dropped, he said. "You have been Frosted."
by Legion R. April 6, 2009
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When the penetrator ejaculates on his/partners bum and then spreads it all over like frosting.
Let's make a frosted cake
by Frostyyyy February 6, 2018
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When you and your bro are Eiffel Towering a girl, then switch places after you nut, and proceed to eat the others crème pie ;)
Hey Carl I Have a girl that’s down to make some Frosted Apple McMuffins in her pum pum
by My_snake_is_solid42069 May 12, 2023
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To jizz, bust a nut, cum, spooge, release the demon, or ejaculate on a woman, as if the said woman were taking a shower...
John: "Karen, would you like a frosted shower?"
Karen: "Why yes, I'd love one!"
by RyN C June 8, 2015
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When your fisting a guy (BF or gay partner) and he cums, and you continue fisting him so the cum goes inside him.
Dude 1: Yo, I frost punched this dude!
Dude 2: Fuck man! That's gross!
Dude 1: Hell nah, it was awesome!
by Prof.Bleach September 4, 2016
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When you climax and unleash a heavy load all over a girl.

Like the glazing on a donut, you've left this girl covered in frosting.
"Alright Mate, I was with that bird last night and I gave her a Frosting".

"I frosted all over this girl last night".
by StinkrayFrosty October 14, 2022
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