Best musical artist since Hitler
If you don't like SoM(Splash of Midnight) you have the Tism
by SoM Fan lol September 27, 2022
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Whore at midnight who sucks your dick in the morning
Hee Mark do you remember that midnight lover of 2 years ago?
by Teun5 February 17, 2016
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Is when you have a boner in the evening.
John:"Dude! I have Midnight oak and it won't go away!"
Tommy:"Sucks for you!"
by XxTrapQueenxX November 3, 2015
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Is when you get a boner in the night time.
Chris:"Yo man I got midnight oak and it won't go away!"
Tom:"Sucks to be you!"
by XxTrapQueenxX November 3, 2015
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A hotel with very basic beds installed into the building. They can sleep 50 people. They have exemplary security staff.
I was driving from Madison, Wisconsin to Alexandria, Virginia so I rested at a midnight hotel.
by silverseal September 18, 2011
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The hours between 4 and 7am, when early birds are waking up from a good night's sleep, but drug users or "tweakers" are still up from the night before.
"Hey Jim, you're up bright and early today!"

"Nah Bob, I'm just still awake from yesterday. Been smoking crack for 12 hours, it's Tweaker Midnight for me dawg."
by flurpy May 20, 2022
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