Adjective meaning lazy and prone to crime.
Joe: You're so nig!
Marcus: I know, I'm the niggest of this hood
by Laura Doyle September 27, 2023
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Basically calling someone a nig is like saying stop nagging or being a dick head
Why are you being such a nig
by Brenna c September 14, 2020
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a person who eats all your beans.
Bill: Yo there's a nig in here
Stranger: He just at all my beans!
by extra thicccc October 17, 2018
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A word often used by people who want to say nigger, but there are niggers around.
Kevin - There are many nigs around here.
Jenny - Oh i see! Put your phone in your pocket and hide that watermelon of yours!
by cuckmiss133 September 21, 2018
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