Usually used against Bangladesh/Bengali's

They eat a lot of fish reasons why because they probably love giving its gils a blowjob but its also because they have a lake full of fish which makes it pretty much the only food they have they've come to like it over the years but now they can eat an whole aquarium.

Boy: Fish muncher go back into the ocean
Oi you fish muncher give me all the fish u got your tank
by ThePakiPrince March 5, 2021
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a common insult on discord describing a young infant .. munching a breast
"you fucking breast muncher"
by vanillagutz January 29, 2022
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An individual regardless of the sex , which takes great pleasure in taking the scrotum of their male partner inn their own mouth and playfully gnaw on them
Man im telling you , that bitch Maria Davidkova is a real ball muncher , she put bouth my balls in her mouth and started flip flopping them around with her tongue while she gently chewed on them .
by Elfa_DGR June 5, 2018
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Somebody who is desperately searching for a puddle of semen after an orgy.
Nick is such a dipple muncher!
by UrCrazyCousin October 23, 2023
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A person who eats out the vagina of a woman from the country.
Homie found himself a virgin girlfriend from sticks! That lucky Prairie Muncher !!
by Deeder420 November 3, 2023
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Man, that girl was dirty and I ate her. She made me a taco muncher!
by Ndiznate September 10, 2023
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Someone that eats food that should have probably been thrown away long ago.
A: "Hey, toss this in the garbage, its spoiled"
B: "What, nah, its got another 3-4 days on it"
A: "Dude, its got mold and slime on it"
B: "It's fine, it's fine. I'll eat it"
A: "Freaken dumpster muncher..."
by Simofie March 30, 2023
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