Used when something is done in a heartless, careless, angry or rowdy manner.
When u tried to chat up that girl she blanked you. Rowdy-o!!

That guy carried on rowdy-o in that fight yesterday.
by m January 26, 2004
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While having sex tell your partner tell him/her you have AIDS so he/she tries to get you off , but you hold him/her down and try to continue having sex
Guy #1 : I busted a rowdy rodeo and that bitch last night
Guy #2 : How did she react when you told her you had AIDS
Guy #1 :Lets just say she'll never be the same again
by SixtyPlusNine May 22, 2011
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A region of the Southwestern United States encompassing the following college campuses (CU Boulder, Ft. Lewis, UofDenver, UNM, NMSU, Texas Tech, ASU, NAU, UofA, and sometimes UNLV)
"Between 4/20 at UC Boulder and Star Pass Pool Party at UofA..The Rowdy Triangle is definitely the place to be spring semester"
by FlexIconic December 23, 2009
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A form of facial hair that is a hybrid of a chinstrap beard and a handle bar mustache.
Man that guy is sexy, check out his Rowdy Boy
by CoachSteve March 4, 2011
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Rappers from Arkansas and Oklahoma where is not so dirty but much more rowdy!
Crunk from Tulsa to Little Rock and all up in da Rowdy South!
by $$$ September 22, 2003
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A male that can make anybody comfortable in any situation, while typically drinking in excess, being disorderly, participating in extremely adventurous activities, always politically incorrect, and chases young ladies.
When a man sleeps with a lot of attractive younger women he is called a rowdy gentleman. But if a woman sleeps with a lot of men she is called a slut, and people think this is unfair….. But, it is completely fair because it’s very easy to be a slut. On the other hand, it is very difficult to be a rowdy gentleman. To be a rowdy gentleman, you have to be smart, witty, charming, well dressed, nice, and an asshole all at the same time. To be a slut you just have to be there. There are fat ugly sluts out there, there are no fat ugly rowdy gentlemen
by February 3, 2016
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A phrase used to convey joy or excitement. Often used while drinking or when having a lot of fun.
Tom: How many beers down are you?
Obie: 12!
Tom: Howdy Rowdy!
by mtlf October 6, 2021
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