Full to capacity
Filled to the max
To the brim of capacity
After John goes to the mud room, it is chock-full of shit.
by Shanky81 August 1, 2014
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A fully natural bodybuilder who doesn't pop pills or take steroid shots
That dude we saw today at the gym is full natty , he's a famous fitness model .
by Alious May 28, 2016
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Full screen. The only way to watch movies and videos online.
None of this small-sized video stuff, man. Go full scrizzle.
by BPrime October 19, 2009
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1. Saying untrue, unreliable, incorrect, made up, often nonsensical and unbelievable lies to try to make oneself not look like a giant piece of shit. (see also piece of shit, bullshit artist)
2. One who is undependable, unreliable, fake, untrue, a straight up liar
3. Constipated to the point your eyes turn brown and breath reeks of fecal matter.
(Verb) to be-
1. To make promises, plans, or claims all the while knowing damn well you will never follow through. (see also blow smoke)
2. To be too afraid to be honest & say it like it is because one is soft. Not unlike a scared little girl.
"When do you think you'll have that job done"?
"I just finished it. Best work I've ever done!"
"You're FULL OF SHIT Brandon!! I'm here looking at it now"
"Oh Dave You wouldn't believe all the crazy, unbelievable made up things that happened that kept me from getting out of bed today. But I promise it'll be done today".
"You're FULL OF SHIT. I can't believe anything I hear and only half of what I see with you"
by WisestAssofall April 3, 2021
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A full Guinness bottle is an Irish man with a thicc dick about to bust a load
Joe was about to have a full guinnessbottle.

M- "Damn Joe, that was a full guinessbottle. Let's do round 2"
by RuelleR April 2, 2020
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by VeXedWolf April 13, 2021
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When you are about have the gnarliest of nights
Kyle what’s the forecast looking like?
Full Send baby lets go! -NELK
by _GriffGriff October 28, 2017
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