PC users (and many Mac users) miss the central tenet of Macintosh.

The Macintosh was designed as an 'information appliance.'
It was never designed to be opened and messed around with.

The software has better 'integration' with the OS, an OS that wasn't 'shoe-horned' into a platform that was never designed to run a GUI to begin with.

Most Mac users can also use a PC, every PC user I know can't operate a Mac, normally down to the fact they can't find the 'Start' menu. (This makes PCs preferable to Macs in that toddlers (and my Dad!) etc know exactly where to begin.)
PC users DO tend to be much more intelligent than Mac users though, mainly down to the fact they can perform rocket science type stuff like open up their PCs and fit a new hard-drive or shove in some new RAM.
When I play a DVD, I dont expect to have to open up the player, mess around inside only to find my movie doesn't play 'cause I haven't got the correct drivers installed.

That's the point of Macintosh.

Plus virus, dialer-trojan, worm attacks (for Windows users only of course!)
PCs also have an inbuilt feature were they crash on purpose because a silly Mac user has tried to do something constructive with it.

PC/LINUX users? what's the point when you need to boot into Windows anytime you need to run an industry standard app? Games don't count as 'industry standard.'
(LINUX being a castrated UNIX of course - See MacOS X.)

There are indeed very few games for Macintosh!
(IBM also make expensive, feature rich, minimalist laptops.)
Intelligent PC user- 'Why don't you use a PC?'

Me- 'All my apps run better and faster on a Macintosh, my software is so well integrated with the OS I can meta-link systems from one app straight into an other (see Vannevar Bush and his vision of 'Hypertext', Ted Nelson - 'Xanadu' (not to be confused with ELO.) and Alan Kay for 'meta-media.')
If I really wanted to play games all day I would have purchased an Xbox/Playstation/Gamecube. And dont forget...we kick started (ahem!) 'affordable' DTP!'

Intelligent PC user- 'Oh'

Me- 'You PC users will have the last laugh though! Now that the Mac and PC (since Apples jump to Intel), are basically the same platform in different guises, I'm just waiting for the day Steve Jobs (sold up the river!) announces a jump to Microsoft Windows.
On that day I'm moving to IBM Thinkpad!'
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The only American product that can compete with Japan's technological products.
Macintosh> Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, etc...
by That Guy From North Dakota December 25, 2008
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Apple copied Microsoft? Window's "Gadgets" seems eerily similar to OS X's "Widgets". The triangles that collapse folders in Visa is copied from OS X. They copied "Spotlight" in Vista. For all you gamers bashing OS X because there aren't any games, I agree. If you want to game, don't get a Mac. This is coming from an Apple lover. Apple is trying to appeal to businessmen and companies. Never going to happen. But how come when you can easily get a Windows computer with better specs. than a Mac for less, most graphic designers and video editors choose Mac? There must be a reason. Is it the programs? The stable OS? Who knows.

The animators from South Park have stated their reason for switching to Macs. Crashing. I have had many PC's and NONE HAVE CRASHED ON ME! But theirs have, due to their heavy use.

You have anti-virus, great for you. But your anti-virus takes up time, system resources, and money, and even with anti-virus, look at viruses like Conficker. It infected governments and hospitals! Now Microsoft is including anti-virus. Why do they keep wasting time patching the OS? Why don't they just start over and build it from a secure base?

If you don't like Macs, don't buy them. All of your reviews are 100% biased. I am an Apple fan, but let me clarify this.


However, they do not crash. They do not break any more than other companies' computers. If you don't like them, don't buy them. But stop writing biased reviews on the web, and enjoy your PC. And I don't mean that sarcastically. If it works for you, good for you.
Windows User: Dude, I can't play my games on your Mac- it sucks!

Apple User: I know I can't. It's not supposed to.

Windows User: Oh, ok then.

Apple User: Yep.

That is how it should be. No need to fight. Macintosh's can't play games. We know.
by SkateMusicLife64 June 24, 2009
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if you edit skate videos and make music
Like, This one Guy says - Shit, this is my jam! Who made this tight ass beat!

And like, the guy that one guy is talking to, is all like - i did. on my macintosh
by im that guy November 5, 2006
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Computers made for the math is hard crowd who get scared at the mention of words like partition and interrupt.
All the computers in the lab are PCs.
by Macs Are Toys May 26, 2005
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One of the founding fathers of vaporwave. Also known as Vektroid. A E S T H E T I C B A B Y
>Hey man did you check out that new song by Macintosh Plus?
>Yeah, it's very A E S T H E T I C
by aidan9030 February 28, 2017
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A minor character in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Big Macintosh is the older brother of Applejack, who is usually seen helping out on the farm, Sweet Apple Acres. He's known for saying "eeyup" and "nnope."

Big Macintosh has been under at least two love spells. In the first case, he loved Twilight Sparkle's doll Smartie Pants, and in the second case he was given a love potion--ahem, love poison, and became fixated on Cheerilee until the curse was broken.

Big Macintosh manages to be best pony, even though he doesn't say much.
Big Macintosh: Eeeeeyup.
by colorshy March 2, 2012
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