One who gets caught gazing at your wiener and instinctively looks away, knowing they have been busted.
by FunnyDoodz September 13, 2009
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The Rosy Cheeked Baby Gazer is an extremely rare animal, defined by it's bright pink cheeks, soft plump lips, round nostrils, and hair that is long, soft and blonde.

It has a very innocent stare, typical of most cute animals. There is currently only one in captivity, name Kacey, in the highlands of Scotland
Wow ... that Rose Cheeked Baby Gazer is the most adorable thing i've ever seen!
by Greenlover55 March 22, 2016
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An insult to African Americans as the slaves used the north star to escape
That star gazer is in my way!
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A man in a men’s room at a urinal who is checking out the guy next to him.
I tried to piss but this tool gazer wouldn’t let up.

I admit, I am a tool gazer.
by Kateazer October 29, 2023
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Pronounced: Pohl gay-zer.


Pole gazes
Pole gazed
Pole gazing.
The compulsion to stare fixedly at the convex protrusion an individuals groin area creates from genitalia protuberance.
You can't take Kelley anywhere, she is such a pole gazer!! Always staring at their bulge like they don't notice!!
by Ravyn Monroe September 29, 2021
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A Boot-Gazer is a person who bends down to look under the bathroom stall in order to see the boots or shoes of the person using the toilet. The act of Boot-Gazing then permits the "Gazer" to find out, undetected, who is in the stall. Sometimes a diversion can be created, like running water or a hand dryer, to mask the sounds of a Boot-Gazing.
"Ron started the faucet and then bent down to look under the stall. He recognized Lew's Boots, thus Ron is a Boot-Gazer".
by Kirk Sullaba Saw August 30, 2007
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