The only place on the internet where a fucktard will pay 28 grand USD for a ten year old fucking grilled cheese sandwich with a picture of my mom on it. Also a place where my stolen iMac and iPod showed up, Got it back.

The joint also robs you of fees. Fucking listing fees, extra features fees, final value fees, and paypal fees.
d00d, I got charged fees on ebay for having two kidneys and a dick!

d00d, A stupid bitch stole my iMac and put it up on ebay and I found it and turned him it. Now I can buy a Power Macintosh G5 with the settlement!
by anapplemacphreak December 25, 2004
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A site where assholes can put in a bid in the last few minutes of the auction to try to screw over other people who want to fairly bid for the item.
last minute bidders at ebay are so annoying
by lunar shadows August 12, 2004
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eg. "ebay so schenska"
have sex with a women
by Rob March 7, 2005
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An online marketplace where you can sell everything but your soul.
Tom: I bought these really hot rims off ebay.
Peter: Oh that's nuts, I bet you woulda saved a heap of money.
by Mz-cRaZy-HuNNii July 21, 2006
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a mass market of various objects to sell for fun to see if people will actually buy them. once harbored kidneys and bridges, but i guess someone got mad.
Bono's semen and pair of shoes! kick ass shopping at ebay!
by Adam McD July 18, 2003
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Where fat old people who don't know how to type go to buy stuff.
by BLACKdsa June 8, 2003
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That's as fake as ebay seller protection
you've just been ebayed...
by yogozoo February 13, 2016
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