Old Container means someone ,or some thing is smelly , it can also mean someone or something is bad or shitty.
My cat is such an Old Container he constantly poops on my bed.
by Bear Keen July 5, 2021
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A shitty bar or club that contains all the cunts so they are not in the bars and clubs you want to attend.
That Weatherspoons is a good cunt container though, keeps all the rotters from being in here (elsewhere).
by colouryum September 3, 2015
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A container head is a person who thinks of containers in terms of management and physical labor as their dream job and favorite hobby. Their love of containers is actually religious in a sense that’s how much they love them
Guy 1: hey you know head of container Peter Pilgaard
Guy 2: oh yeah he is like the biggest container head
by Tommaso the cockmoster October 18, 2022
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a wooden bowl
a plastic water bottle and a paper towel rowle
oatmeal container?
by raybeez February 21, 2022
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Containers for change is a recycling scheme in Australia where you get $0.10 for any cans bottles that have the 10c mark on the back of it
I use containers for change to get pocket money
by zdog_wastaken November 2, 2023
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When you hear this on a medicine ad, you're done for.
'Buy Your Mom's anti cry pills for your entire family! This may contain side effects...'

"W-w-w-what are t-they?"


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A room made up of almost exclusively middle aged white people.
guy 1: Did you see the pics from the MTG lecture last Friday?
guy 2: Yeah, it was a total cracker containment zone.
by graggler August 31, 2023
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