An awesome guy who is smart and has a bigger penis than his ego.
Wow he looks like a real chilly client.
by mynamechegg March 1, 2017
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The best horion fork EVER made by the great NRG (who isnt gay) and is awesome.
Surge client shits on realms line no other!
by NRG Jobro November 24, 2021
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Seriously. I've never claimed to be your client (Outside of callling you 'my shrink' in a Dave live chat but he knows I was being flippant and he told me he loved me because he knows how much it pisses me off) So I don't see how that is relevant.
Hym "I never said I was a client. I a said a thing was happening to me that IS happening to me. And someone needs to be killed accountable. And the fact that people are actively trying to create a situation where someone is being allowed to evade accountability is unacceptable. It reeks of a woman. And you're seemingly perfectly willing to participate in the falsehood. And it isn't a matter of 'give me this or else' it's a matter of the central figure in all of the to be brought to me and being helt to account and then retribution. I also have no reason not to be paid for services rendered. And what happens is if not isn't something you have to be worried. That's the alternative-timeline-where-this-doesn't-happen's problem. You're not worried able it. Don't pretend to be worried about it."
by Hym Iam April 10, 2023
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Its a really shitty client and lunar is better.
Person 1: You use Badlion Client?

Person 2: Yeah why

Person 1: Badlion Client is shit Lunar Client is better.
by MOTHERFLUCKERR July 6, 2022
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It's a fucking noob client who is common around 8 years old minecraft noob hackers.
Also if you want to play like a shit, then you could use it.
I was using wurst kill aura and i lose against a legit player. Like WTF!
Wurst client always crushes others work perfect. WHAT THE HECK I'M USING!
by I_like_havin_advantage December 29, 2016
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literally the best minecraft external client lmao
Ayo nigga did u see how I fucked that mf in a PvP?
Yuh I was using Dream Client
by dreamclientxyz April 4, 2021
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