A person or thing that is any or all of the following: retarding, stupid, annoying, emo, gothic, a bitch, a fucker, dumb, sucks, or pretty much anything that is bad and used to describe someone that you hate.
I can't stand those fuckin cleans, they piss me off.

I wish all the cleans would just kill themselves.

If i were a clean i would jump off a bridge.

"I lost my wallet and it had a ton of money in it" (response) "thats clean"
by *M3* March 3, 2009
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Wanna go cleaning?

yea sure we'll go fishing for them first
by S.J.m.om June 17, 2008
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"Hey Vicky, if you put onions in my room I'm going to start cleaning your room!"
by Harveymantes June 20, 2004
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To masturbate in your room 7 times and eat a whole block of cheese.
Just got some cleaning and shit to do around here.
by ComeOutForBeer October 11, 2017
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To go into a store or shop and discreetly steal items which are for sale without getting caught. These items can range anywhere in size from a basketball to a dixie cup. Useless items you don't really need are sometimes taken because many people do it for the rush as opposed to needing the stolen object.
I just went cleaning in those stores and got sweatshirts and hats for free.
by steven carlson November 12, 2007
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1 - Meditating to refresh, clean ones mind.

2 - Simular to the Vulcan mind meld(in the mindless Star Trek world)!
Woman: You nasty, vulgar man. You need a Whiz Clean to clear your mind.

obama: No way baby, being filthy and a user is what made what I am today. "I know what you need", a good f_c_in!

Woman: Rape, help, any one.

obama: Ain't no one left to do the right thing baby, get over it and take it! I got all the uneducated, pimps, druggies backing me!!!
by The_Master_Whiz December 30, 2011
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The only entity alive to make cleaning look sexy
Mr. clean is Mr. leeeen
by new guy 101 April 20, 2020
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