The effect of not having shaved your usually clean shaven testicles for enough time that they grow short unwanted stubs.
Man, I have cactus balls, and it itches like hell.
by DirtyMexcian September 29, 2010
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one who doesn't put out; someone who, when in a relationship, refuses to engage in PDA; a public prude;
I hear Dori is a dry cactus with her boyfriend
by washyohands February 24, 2011
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Someone from Mexico or of Mexican heritage.
- "Man this country sucks."
- "Yeah, it's because of the cactus niggers."
- "Yeah I hate Mexicans too."
by Sarvesh Aniruddha April 23, 2017
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Euphemism for cock drawings. Used to fool teachers or other authority into thinking that said drawings are really actually cactus flowers and not boners.

Something like 8% of guys do it
Teacher: Billy, I can't believe you are drawing boners again!

Billy: They're not boners they are cactus flowers ma'am.
by ScottAustin July 11, 2008
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When someone puts up videos that are self absorbed and petty.
Wow, BeerBongJohn uses a lot of cactus content in his videos.
by Coffee Princess March 16, 2020
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Name given to male genitalia from which the pubic hair has been shaven but has begun to grow back, and has made said genitalia prickly.
Jake's Fat Cactus caused great discomfort to his lady-friend's nether regions.
by M.S. Incarnadine March 5, 2009
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the feeling on a woman's legs as a result of not having shaved.
--Steve is mad at me!
--cuz last nite, he wanted to touch my legs and i didnt let him
--cuz, i got cactus legs, i have shaved in a week!
by shinney October 8, 2009
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