Comming from the root,
Oh my fucking god meaning Oh my! an exclamation of disbelief
& bawls which is an energy drink.
but is also used as an replacement
for god, to avoid using the lords name in vain.

No way!
Oh my, energy drink!
whats happening?
dont rape me!!
"omfg bawls moriah get your penis out my ass" or
"OMFG clare you look like death"
by martha bby! January 14, 2009
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A person who tends to talk a lot of nonsense very loudly.
"I can't believe that ordinary, decent people would waste their time listening to such a bawling fart ravine!".
by David Bryant January 30, 2003
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What the fuck do you think the definition means? My balls are god!

see represent yo shit 8)
by James Lowe September 6, 2004
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a person that believes he knows everything. he makes up definitions to words and has an excuse for everything. he claims to have thick skin but gets irate about everything.
That dude just defined universe as a one verse poem, then got pissed when we corrected him. He's a damn bawl-tasta.
by qwikstop June 9, 2009
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A bawl/fight that is taken place in a backstreet. Usually used as a threat. Commonly said by Australian youths.
Idiot: fight me
Person: nah mate let's have a backstreet bawl
Idiot: a what?
Person: exactly
by Person who knows shit October 29, 2015
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Phrase used to describe the screed that passes a bubber's lips when his or her tongue is loosened by the drink.
"Stop your bub-bawling berk, the rotgut's got a hold on your tongue."
by Zed Numar July 20, 2021
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