An up and coming Band from P-Town Illinois. Consists of Conrad, Adam, and Dan. It previves from two things; first, Ladies....You know. Secondly, use all fingers in Music.
Adam has the Ten finger thrill technique down.
by Conrad Sutherland January 13, 2005
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Someone who aspires to a quick grope that is meaningless (typically after a few drinks)
Quick Thrill Dippy: She was a quick thrill dippy on the high street after a few bacardi breezers
by Not Dippy April 9, 2009
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It is one reason why stainless steel bottles are better than plastic bottles. Basically when you grab your stainless steel drink bottle, it is cold to touch. Its like a little teaser just before you are about to drink.

There are so many reasons why stainless steel drink bottles shit on every other alternative that an attempt to list them all would be an exercise in futility. How the fuck has the portable-liquid-containment industry survived for so long without these fckers in the mainstream. A few reasons below:

-It keeps my water chilled for longer giving me a more refreshing drink.

-It is rigid and solid and maintains it's shape. It doesn't crumple like a faggy plastic bottle when subjected to mechanical strain.

-When I drop the cunt it makes a manly noise CLANG CLUNK CA-CHUNK CLANG CLANG CLANG. This is much better than dropping a faggy plastic bottle and getting that soft little pop-pop-p-p-pop-pppppop noise that kinda sounds like two little g0oks in slippers playing table-tennis.

-It is metallic/silver in colour. As you know, guns are also this colour. Guns are hard. that is indisputable.. Compare that to plastic drinking bottles, they are the same colour as...... windows. windows are gay.

-Soldiers' canteens are metallic so they obviously share this opinion.
Be sure to invest in a stainless steel drinking bottle. Seriously, it is the best step you will ever make on the road to finding Mini Chill Thrills and obtaining top-quality, affordable portable-hydration-vessels.
by Quote SHP June 17, 2011
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A very thrilling radio host in Carlisle Pennsylvania. Known to attend professional wrestling shows and dominate at redneck games.
I am jamming out to Red 102.3 because Phil the Thrill is on!
by Hankthehillbilly August 28, 2018
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man of many talents,, all non-typical ,,totally Bond like,, could launch the space shuttle with a martini in one hand and a mega babe in the other,while ordering oysters Rockefeller,caviar,and asti spumanti to be waiting for them when they land on the moon for a dinner appetizer...
hitcher: Dude I was thumbing the I-5 from Portland to Seattle, when this Bondmoblie pulls up,and this "007 Licensed to thrill hipcat with major Tats, and the stereo roaring out tasty licks from S.R.V. I say, how far you going ?? Driver: usually I go all the way,,, but, in your case,, hows Tumwater sound ?? Hitcher: cool,, and we make the next 103 miles in like less than 55 mins. pulls-over drops me,, and sez ,,next time we'll try it blindfolded,,Hitcher: too cool to be true ....
by Wilma Fingerdew September 30, 2009
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The 90 degree thrill ride can be best described as a sexual position (although it is mostly innocent) taken on by two people in a sitting down manner(usually in a relationship, but not exclusively). It usually starts of by the two people laying down in a casual way, that's when the girl starts to take things into her own hands. This takes a great amount of skill, fore the woman must maneuver the action in a slick transition, in order to prevent awkwardness. She starts by slightly sitting up and then swings her leg (slightly bent) over her companion, placing it on the other side of him, lifting her body on top of her partner. She hovers her Booty over his lap (to not squish his Jewels, of course), And then can either place her hands on his shoulder to achieve a more dominate position, but tangled in the hair works just as well. WARNING: This position can lead up to A hot Make out session, or some seriously sexy times, so do not attempt if you or your partner are not ready for this kind of commitment. (:
"Bro! i just had the best 90 degree thrill ride of my life! She was all over me!"
by BabyDragoSlayer243 May 27, 2016
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