these two are a team and are brave, loyal- like all the girls and the fucking guys will fall for them but there inseparable
slade x raylynn are a amazing couple
by fffgffhbvfvfbvhbfvhv August 20, 2022
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A very smelly man that loves watching little kids. His only up side is that he has only been to prison once. His favourite food is pickles on toast and he loves the colour pink. He does not enjoy sharing hi food which makes him so fat. HE IS THE DEFINITION OF SIMP.
Person "Yo look it's Slade!"
Person 2 "SIMP ALERT"
by ItsYaBoi06 May 20, 2020
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very sexy person and is good in the bed and on the court if you know what im saying
Slade is the sexiest ever to live
by fixedLamp December 13, 2021
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An extermely handsome man that is atheletic. All girls die over Slade. A Slade can get the hottest girls and keep them because he knows how to treat them. If you have an chance to date a Slade do it there wont be another like him. But if you date a Slade then make sure to always kiss him first.
Slade is a complete hotty
by Yellow Man 17 January 10, 2021
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A sexy motherfucker who gets all the women because he has a massive penis, he is a quite man who loves to treat women well and is an awesome human being in general, his bedroom abilities are excellent and he can eat pussy like no one else! Also see #goodman #sexboy
Marie: slade has a massive dick!
John:yes he's such a slade
by Fucking slayer February 7, 2019
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Slade is either a absolute gentleman or a total dick wad.

It is either the name of a saint or a bitch’s name.

He can be loving and giving or an entitled little prick.

If the Slade is good you’ll find him saying good morning or opening the door for a lady.

If bad he’ll be bitching for not having something his way.

Get to know and observe a Slade before making a friendship.
by Taylor45 March 11, 2019
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