Egg sex. When a person images sexual intercourse with eggs!
Did you know she's into seggs?
I know right so hot!!!
by Hissokasthiccass March 15, 2022
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People may type or say “seggs” instead of “sex” for a variety of reasons including to circumvent online censorship, to semi-covertly talk about sex, or to be silly. The term is popular across social media, including on TikTok where videos associated with the hashtag #Seggs have been viewed nearly 300 million times.Feb. 24, 2021
Person 1: Wanna Have Seggs
Person 2: Fock off
by InterestingMeanings November 17, 2021
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Hot gay homiesexual sex; having steamy sex with your friends
Person One: Me and 15 friends of mine just had hot, gay, homiesexual sex!
Person Two: That's seggs
by sirawe October 19, 2020
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when sophie and darius meet in seggsy trees, post seggsy content on vsco, or meet in the astro world in their wet dreams <3
woah, that was seggs ;)
by loom4life January 3, 2021
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