Handsome guy, hot, all the girls want to fuck him, has a bright future and is the best friend any guy can have, he respects the bro code, it's his bible.
Do you know Raul Alonzo ?!

Of course he is the best!!!!!
by Mr. Knowsall February 12, 2018
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1) An exclamation to be made at any random time.
2) An exclamation to be made when one sees an attractive female.
(Derived from a series of videos from Pace and Baier's ninth grade Spanish class)
1) Soy Raul!
2) Soy Raul!!
by Pace June 3, 2004
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Raul jr. Contreras is an exact opposite of a anthony hardy. Raul jr. Contreras is not a beast he/she is a person that is not buff, offuly weak no calf muscles. Pretty short, hair line pretty crocked. Very unattractive cannot throw or catch a football even if his/her life depended on it. He/mane gots a big nose looks like a piggy nickname for a Raul jr. Contreras is piggy. No hops at all , cannot dunk a 4 foot hoop.
Man #1: my chick called me a Raul jr. Contreras because I couldnt pick her up. So I said ima start working out a ms become a Anthony hardy

Man #2: me too
by Anthony beasterN September 20, 2010
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when the mexican totally whooped lee's ass.
Lee only dreams of being as powerful as the mexican. He also had sex with daniel feree.
by Lee the pussy March 13, 2005
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This is the war between the pussy Lee and the almighty mexican. Lee was talking shit to the mexican in tech so he decided to kick his ass. Lee went to the mexicans house that same day and the mexican struck lee in the face with one mighty fist. lee then ran home crying like a pussy while the mexican laughed at him. The almighty mexican had won.
lee also had sex with daniel feree.they are going out.
by Lee the pussy March 15, 2005
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One fateful day in tech ed, that damn mexican was stirrin' shit up because he had gotten a better grade on the tool test than me. So after a short verbal battle, I (General Lee) to declare war on that shitfaced wetback. The war lasted all of the way until 8th period, where I got him to sign a treaty by using a great battle tactic. (I told him me and Zayne and Michel were gonna throw his books all over da place after school) I made him sign his name, and he had to write a one-paged essay about how sorry he was. So I won the first war. Raul is a terrible leader and a stupid spic. He enjoys celebrating lawnuhka and is an avid producer of bullshit. Daniel Feree is one of his best friends and they play together and watch stupid Jap shows at Daniels. I am the superior.

If you don't belive this war ever occured, simply ask Mr. Simper. He wittnessed the treaty and can tell you that I am the "tech master"
(this takes place in 2054)

Student 1 - "man i hate studying the war of lee and raul"

Student 2 - "tru dat, all we should need to know is that lee won and raul is a pussy."

Student 3 (desendent of daniel ferree) - "i'm a total fatass"
by General Lee , KT TX March 13, 2005
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mentilly ill bum / scrotom licker.child molester
dammm raul garcia quit molestin childs
by brobby January 9, 2018
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