A terrorist's girlfriend, this is a weapon that shoots a grenade, perfect for obliterating a humvee. It's as if crack were a weapon, destroying everything in its path.
Terrorist 1: Which weapon, the RPG-7 or the Stinger?

Terrorist 2: The RPG-7, it's a freaking nuke launcher on crack.
by theBoy101 May 17, 2011
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An online gamer who abuses the RPG-7 to the degree that it becomes their only weapon especially in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series. These players often possess no skill at all to use actual guns, so they resort to pissing people off with the RPG. They will often use perks like Scavenger, so they do not run out of ammo, and Danger Close, so their blast radius is doubled.
The only reason that noob got an AC 130 is because he's an RPG whore!
by VindictiveTaco February 7, 2010
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The inability to complete one quest in a role playing game without accepting multiple quests along the way. The player often finds themselves two hours later delivering that letter to the next town over.
"Your RPG ADD is so severe If we lived in Skyrim I'd never send you out for a gallon of milk because it'd take you two weeks to return."

Skyward sword: "It took 3 hours to obtain the clawshot because my RPG ADD would not let me leave fun fun island until I got the special prize"

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning: "The injured Fae died of dysentery because my RPG ADD took me 5 hours to return the cure, but, I'm now the first mortal to have a seat in the house of ballads."

Fable I-III: "Theresa died of old age because my RPG ADD had me hunting gargoyles/gnomes"

Fallout III: "Thanks to my RPG ADD, peace and vegetation returns to the land before I bestow my revenge on the person who shot me and left me for dead."

Dead Island: "4 generations of survivors were raised before i got off this damn rock, as my RPG ADD fueled my need to build chainsaw baseball bats."
by NoCarrier February 19, 2012
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AR (Augmented Reality) Massive Muiltyplayer Online Role Play game
The New ARMMO-RPG Ordinal Scale is out!!
by The Wried Guy July 9, 2016
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TheNinja-RPG, or TNR for short is a pbbg that's been around for like a decade with a niche audience, like no notable advertising, horrendous PR, and often it seems as though staff will just blatantly ignore you. TNR is also a game many come back to, time and time again without really knowing why. Gameplay is okay, systems are buggy and some outright disabled, people complain incessantly about this or that, but why still log in at that rate? TheNinja-RPG is a place you make memories, many good and yes, some bad. It's a community that is as memorable as it is diverse. Niche or not, the players come from all walks of life, all corners of the globe, and bring many an ideal to the table. Those ideals can and have clashed, but other times horizons have expanded. It's a place you can learn, a place you can teach, and always a place to made a joke (the banter is great, and the memes are dank). One could almost say TNR is like a family, you love some members and can't stand others, people can teach you things, or throw shade, and they're always kinda there. So log on in, grab a shuriken, be a ninja, make some memories, maybe learn something on the way, and "Don't Blink".
I think I'm gonna hop on TheNinja-RPG for a bit and net some PvP.

TheNinja-RPG needs more players, AD Team quit hiding and advertise!

Did you hear?? If TheNinja-Rpg fixed War and Territory Battles the player base would be up by 40%
by FormerLycanthope October 31, 2018
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When a RPG'er is playing two characters in one RPG, and has them hook up.
by Dylan2334 May 28, 2007
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