A term used to identify subaru wagons with excessive bumper stickers
Butch: "hey let's take your lesbian grocery getter to the store and buy a cucumber for tonight!"

Lizzie the lezzie: "ok, we can take my subaru."
by fredwood February 17, 2011
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Someone who does what ever people tell them to do to please other people instead of themselves. The sugar cookie getter also let's other's influence their thoughts and preceptions about life. The sugar cookie getter gets NOTHING in return for their "eager to please" like actions, basically a do-boy and or do-girl. A sugar cookie getter is more likely to be a high school freshman, a person with low self-esteem, or just a stupid provincial bitch.

used in Dave Chappelle's 'Making the Band' skit
Diddy: I want y'all to run to Brooklyn to get me a sugar cookie

Dylan: Sugar cookie mon! I didnt come to New York to be no sugar cookie getter, I am a rapper

Person 1: I heard Jazmine & Branden are sugar cookie getters

Person 2: Word? How so

Person 1: Because they listen to other people opinions about how to live their lives
by Kita/Dria9293 April 14, 2010
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Someone that accepts a gift only to return it a moment later, with little appreciation or thought in the matter.
Your friend asks for something, you give it, they hate it and immediately return it. i.e. an "Indian Gift-Getter"
by mholl7925 May 7, 2013
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Go-Getter Greg. n. (go-get-ter gray-guh).
Code for 'creeper'. Reference to the song "Go-Getter Greg" by St. Louis alt/emo rock band Ludo. Typically used when the creeper is in vicintity or may be able to see the conversation.
Brother: Go-Getter Greg's here. Just came in the door.

Sister: Man, I wish Go-Getter Greg would creep on someone else.
by Jack Attack 720 January 19, 2009
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Employee 1: "I can't stand working with Angela, she makes more mistakes than anyone and as soon as I make the smallest typo she red pens the crap out of me."

Employee 2: "Yeah, she's a real "Agressive-go-getter."

Employee 1: Well said.
by PossumKing February 28, 2011
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Someone that is always on the prowl for money.
You can always find a ghetty green getter on two rollin through the hood.
by OutKast with a K September 9, 2004
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Blonde girl, girlfriend, any of the blonde species. Primary job is to ride in the passenger seat and look pretty and pass a beer to her man. Qualifications are big boobs and a nice ass.
Who is that? Its my blonde beer getter! Look at them tits!
by Busch Light December 14, 2010
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