1. Prefix: used to add positive emphasis to any root word.

2. Verb: to exert immense amounts of power, or transform; mainly a term referring to the marvel character morbius’s transformation sequence.
1. “I just saw morbius, it was pretty morbtacular”

2. “Holy crap, look honey! He’s beginning to morb out!”
by Quandalius dingledor III May 30, 2022
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To ironically praise a crappy piece of media as a masterpiece.
The Room by Tommy Wiseau is one of the earliest modern examples of a piece of media getting morb'd.
by Richard Nipples June 6, 2022
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Synonym for “Cope”

Daryl im goanna morb!”
Daryl im goanna morb!”
by Geoffry-Gerbles June 13, 2022
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To ejaculate without stimulant or to bust a nut without masturbating. kinda like a wet dream.
I Morbed so hard when I learned about the release of the new Morbius sequel.
by Maxi Waxi Taxi July 1, 2022
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One of the words of all times.

Also it will be the most used word in year 2174 and seve humanity.
Time to get morbed, y'all.

I'm gonna put some morb in your eyes.
by Anti-morb Slayer July 14, 2022
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The only way of life you are supposed to live,it is love, it is life.
Rob:Where are you mf?

Michael:Living the morbing life
by HerculesBalls69 June 8, 2022
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doing crimes, such as murdering, bombs that are illegal (even in Russia), and tearing apart others body parts without permission.
dude 1: Hey dude! what are you up to today?
dude 2: morbing
dude 1: uh oh
by boredcauseschaos June 9, 2022
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