When a car entering traffic expects all the traffic to accommodate them by either slowing down or moving lanes, instead of them gaining speed to match the traffic.
I was going down the highway in the right lane and this idiot coming down the on ramp was doing a mexican merge at 40 mph, and I had to slam on my brakes to let him over or we would've hit.
by solarecreator July 30, 2014
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A person who uses merge lanes to cut ahead of traffic.
I got cut off by a merge runner!
by MedivalTempo February 3, 2018
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The manual coordination of software developers that occurs when two or more software developers work on the same file at the same time without a proper versioning / branching system.

Opposed to the automated 'merge' feature of many versioning systems.
Management did not grant you a branch for your project. Therefore, you must have a meeting with Bob The Developer to meat merge your code changes into his changes on the main branch.
by flipmcf April 12, 2007
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The act of merging onto a limited-access highway without checking mirrors or getting to proper speed; usually involves following the white line all the way into regular traffic by a driver oblivious to other vehicles on the road.
"On the way to work this morning I almost got in a wreck when this bitch just magic merged right in front of me!"
by terafunker July 19, 2009
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When someone is driving (and on his/her cell phone) and starts to merge into your lane without noticing.
That asshole almost sideswiped me with a mobile merge.
by cquillian April 17, 2013
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A condition, in which someone accidentally mixes past-life memories from separate past-lives into a memory from one past-life.
'Like many reincarnated people, I think that I had a bad case of merged past-life memories syndrome (MPLMS): I was confused that my past-life memories from my past-life as a muse were from my past-life as a mermaid, until I figured that these memories were from separate past-lives.'
by DianaLuciusDeCollis September 10, 2022
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Typically refers to changes in code that are not merged yet, but when it does it will be thoroughly reviewed and tested before merging to master.
when will the new player changes be merged?

"merged soon"
by tokenizedbearclaws December 14, 2021
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