Direct opposite of busty (female version of barsty.)
“Did Kaylee jump off the bridge?”
“No dude. She’s super kirsty, she’ll never do anything.”
by tequilababy August 6, 2020
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Unparalleled brilliance and the best person you will even meet
You remind me of Kirsty MacInnes
by MacInnes.kirsty August 30, 2021
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is gorgeous. and shexi and funny. looks great has the cutest cutie bum. wow that bum is awesome. shes tall dark gorgeous. looks great when shes next to me andmakes me feel great :)
i love kirsty mackenzie
by stubear December 7, 2011
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i member the 1st time i saw kirsty. she was the new girl at work. standing there over the sink, i member being down the other end of the kitchen having to work with the chef but wanting to go talk to her.... as weeks passed and she was at work more and more we got closer annoying will cos he wanted to be pervy pete. he used to get annoyed when kirsty and i used to have water fights in the kitchen. we used to stand close whippin each other. hiding her shoes sitting on the sinks just talking to her getting to know her..we used to talk every day at half 3 when she was off the bus and walking to the horses.i member the first time we went out i was soo hung over we went to the pub for lunch i couldnt eat anything, i sat oppisite kirsty and i just couldnt take my eyes off of her.. after, we went to the seaside and i remember the girls going for a swim in all their clothes when they got out kirsty can and sat on my lap and wills face was a picture hahahaa!!!
whoop whoop whoooooop!!! kirsty mackenzie u rulz with a z cos your that cool
by stubearto December 7, 2011
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... i rememeber the feeling of when something feels soo right.... after that we juust got closer and closer useing silly pet words to comunicate... i used to love hearing her make squeeks and little noises in my ear it was soo cute. i think we got on extremely well and i miss her loads i have never been that close and cute with someone before and not sure i wil again it was like having a best friend u could tell anything and share everything..... i hopes she has as fond memories of our time together as i have she has made such a bi impression on me and i will never forget her.. shes sooo spleshal that all i want is to have her back in my arms.. wearing her as a rucksack lying around having fun and being stully loves you mackers!! :)
kirsty mackenzie is gorgeous
by stueypoo December 7, 2011
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A sexy petite girl who recently turned blonde and thinks she needs plastic surgery to fix her nose . Thinks she’s a big man but really not . She is really small and needs too much attention
Boy : who’s that ?

Oh that’s Kirsty baker she’s abit of a strange don
by Suckmaknobjerry February 13, 2022
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noun: Another way to describe a giant, steaming pile of shit.
verb: The action of taking a large shit
noun: I had Thai food last night and took big ole Kirstie Alley this morning.

verb: Fuck that was expired, bout to Kirstie Alley all night long
by FckKirstieAlley July 2, 2021
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