Loves fried chicken, darker than space, Penis bigger than the KFC line, and is gay
OMG keane is hotter than ninja.
by JusticeUD March 1, 2022
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A really nice boy that often finds himself ugly when he is actually incredible but he doesn’t see it for himself, hard to fall in love with this boy because he has a lot of insecurities,Irish white boy,smart good sense of humour and very good lucky, to win his heart you would need to care for him and show him your interested in him all the time , make sure that when he says something you don’t agree with not to make him feel like you hate him because his mood will swing. A boy that loves basketball and listens to music.
Wow:Keane cool music!
by Anonymouslycrainypoiuynt June 25, 2020
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; keane refers to a bozo who perform acts of tweakin

-late and unreliable

-stupid and dumb

•aka DumbKeane Donut
how do you get a zero iq, what a keane!!
by truthseeker orb August 26, 2021
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50% smart 50% retarded
he get stupid and smart in different days
Me: have you seen keane?
You: ye hes retarded today

Me: k
by coolguy55659 March 1, 2022
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mentally challenged person, maybe a smartasss. he gets angry, pissy mood, I don’t know. he can be smart but 50% of the time is stupid and other 50 smart
me: did you see keane?
you: The moron or the smart ass? he’s been stupid today
me: facts
by coolguy55659 March 1, 2022
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A wet cunt that reffrences chesunt to ‘nahm’ and likes to walk round like he is on it and makes the assumption that he has mental health issues. He is Also widely known as a snake which is a reptile that tells on people like a wetty. He also consumes a lot of snout and hasn’t breakdowns when without the use of Marjuiana.
Just a ‘Keane
That boy is having a snout like ‘keane
Oi hayes you got ‘keaned
That wet fuck ‘Keane’
by CrackingPlurs March 31, 2018
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