A geek who picks on other geeks to gain favor with jocks in a desperate attempt to escape geekdom and become popular.

Judas geeks rarely feel comfortable around other geeks, never fully accepting their inner desire to partake in geek activities, nor around jocks, whose language and practice they fail to understand and whose physicality they fail to match. The end result is a scrawny, pastry individual in ill-fitted pseudo-fashionable clothes who will backstab anybody to gain a little bit of popularity.
- It's funny, isn't it? As soon as Lisa appears, Ben refuses to talk about magic or RPGs.
- I know, he's such a Judas Geek.
by Crystal10 December 8, 2009
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The name that Alucard calls the paladin in hellsing. Used to describe betrayal to the Christian faith.
You Judas Priest.
by Anonymous October 28, 2003
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A black male whom is stoned out of his mind then kisses his mom goodnight after she just sucked his dad off
Dude i just did a dirty judas.
by S.S. qwerty April 26, 2022
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A Judas Fart is when you have to shit really bad, but you trust a fart to maneuver around the turd for some relief. But instead the fart betrays you like Judas did to Jesus, and causes you to shit yourself.
“Dude I had to shit so bad and I trusted a fart to sneak by, but turns out it was a Judas Fart and I crapped myself.
by DadKum69 July 24, 2021
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When you have to shit but trust a fart to maneuver around the turd, but it betrays you and you shit yourself.
“Dude I had to shit so bad the other day and I trusted a fart to sneak by, but it was a Judas Fart and I shit myself”….
by DadKum69 July 24, 2021
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The end pieces on a loaf of bread. These slices are the most despised of all bread slices as everyone reaches around them to get to a normal piece. Having a Judas slice served to you feels like betrayal because you know the person giving it to you just wants to finish off the loaf so they can open a new one. Name is derived from John 13:26 where Jesus indicated which disciple was to betray him at the Last Supper by dipping bread into a dish and giving it to Judas Iscariot. The bread - if taken from a whole loaf - would have been one of the ends, thus making it the Judas slice.
"Hey bro, want a sammich? Just got two slices left!"

"Yeah, the Judas slices. No thanks!"

"I'll just throw it out then."
by Werd_Smythe September 19, 2014
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A pseudonym used by an author who wishes to disassociate him or herself from a written work. The pseudonym is a combination of Judas Iscariot and John Wilkes Booth.

See also Alan Smithee.
David Lynch was so pissed off about the extended edition he had the screenplay credit changed to Judas Booth
by jesster79 May 26, 2018
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