Term applied to bipedal tanks, designed primarily to launch ICBMs from any point on Earth, thus rendering the concept of nuclear deterance moot, as well as eliminating the need for expensive silos or nuclear subs.

Metal Gears also serve the role of assault, artillery, anti-vehicle, anti-personell, escort, theatre-missile-defence, as well as numerous other functions with their heavy armaments. The numerous models over the decades have been armed with heavy machine-guns, rockets, hellfire missles, laser systems, rail-guns, hydro-cannons, and various other conventional and unconventional weapons.

In addition to carrying ICBMs, Metal Gears have been known to carry cluster-bombs, cruise missiles, and various other assault payloads in its missile tubes.

The Metal Gear is a fictional weapon-system.
No government has stepped forward for the nuclear attack, and no nation can be accused. NATO suspects that a Metal Gear was involved.
by Theorem March 3, 2005
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Military Lingo - A person who always wants the newest scope, site, rail system, or thing that they will never end up using. They will even spend money aquiring this shit knowing full well they will never use it. They are usually RANGER/SF wanna be's. These types are often seen rubing one off to a rangerjoe's magazine
Look at PFC Clark over there with his new M4 Pistol Grip. He is such a gear queer!
by arkieboy72472 August 21, 2008
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That little extra burst of energy, you deliver to your partner as they tell you they "are comming". When you hear those glorious words, you kick it up a notch. Open the clutch, and throw it into "sexth gear". We've all done it!
".....feeling her thighs closing in on my neck, I knew what I was about to hear. As the words poured out of her mouth, I threw it into "sexth gear" and listened as she screamed away.........."
by srossyo December 17, 2009
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Clothing worn by light-skinned blacks who wish to be thought of as white.
Tyrone looks really convincing in his passing gear.
by Dollyrocker June 12, 2008
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A collection of liquor, or other stash(bongs, pipes, drugs etc...) in a certain location, under the bed, in a duffle-bag...
"Hey man what's in that backpack getting white knuckles from clutching that thing" "It's holding my Wizz gear"

"Are you bringing your Wizz gear to the party?"
by DAGGUN October 22, 2008
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One of the greatest transformations in fiction history, all done by Monkey D. Luffy, from the 'One Piece series'.

Dont miss the day of August 6, 2023 when the transformation gets animated.
"Okay so now shift the car into Fifth Gear"
"Gear 5!?!?!? You watch One Piece???"
*crashes the car*
by #1 Octane Main August 5, 2023
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To leave someone behind when they are unable to continue the journey.

In true Top Gear tradition, every man that falls behind get's left behind.
P1: Why didn't you wait for me?
P2: We got bored and Top Geared your ass!

P1: Lol, he's dropped all his change on the way to the pub.
P2: Did you wait for hm?
P1: Like hell, we Top Geared him and went on without him!
by Colonel Panic2 October 11, 2012
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