Fear Of Forgetting Something
Fear of Forgetting Shit
Dick - I'm about to leave, but I have the FOFS
Jane - oh, yeah. Don't forget the goodie bag
by rohelm December 10, 2021
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The last bit of soda that is impossible to get out of the can and into your mouth.
Anneke: Hey, can I have a sip of your soda?

Tony: You can try, but all that's left is the fof.
by Toninator May 21, 2009
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Abbrv. Full of farts

Being gassy, flatulent, or otherwise in a state in which you constantly fart for a period of time.
I ate a whole taco twelve pack from Taco Bell last night and now I’m FOF
by Damienmansfield90 June 7, 2023
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fear of forgetting something. usually used when referring to traveling.
since we're going on a trip tomorrow I better start packing today because I have fofs.
by dumb cluck July 9, 2017
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Person 1 : "lol you screwed up yesterday"
Person 2 : "Fof"
by Dyro June 9, 2015
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