Elisa Lam was 21 when she died. There is a video of her going into an elevator but she looks around very cautiously as if she was trying to hide from somebody. A few weeks after the footage she went missing and her body was found in a water tank.
Did you hear about how Elisa Lam went missing?
by zx_omb May 23, 2022
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a very sexy girl who is sexy and sexy. if ur name is elisa green ur very very sexy. and sexy
boy - what’s your name
elisa - elisa green
boy - omg ur name is as sexy as u
by ELISAGREENXO August 11, 2021
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A queen who underestimated her ability’s. She will cuddle you as long as u live but also gets mad easy
I went to her house last night... she’s a real Elisa consalvi
by Jezûs April 13, 2020
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Elisa veliz is the most kind girl you will ever meet she will always be there for you if you have and Elisa veliz in your life do not let her Elisa might seem like a very kind amazing person on the outside but on the inside she’s very sad and depressed when you see an Elisa veliz make sure you give her a hug she will always try to make you smile so if you have a Elisa veliz in your life do not let her go or else you probably won’t be able to find someone like her ever again
Elisa veliz is the best person I ever met she helped me out so much!
by Phms student March 21, 2022
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the most beautiful girl in the world. she is pretty, creative and handsome. she is always there for you if you need her help.
elisa keala anna is pretty

elisa keala anna and talena are best friends
by talena.dck November 21, 2021
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