Ryan: Kate I Burr You More,
Kate: No Ryan I Do!
by iBurrYou November 10, 2010
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Renee: Burr's pistol is so much better than Nelson's Column.
Keegan: Oh my god, Renee. Stop tripping, girl. Nelson's column is bigger and stronger than Burr's pistol.
Renee: Burr's pistol is much more accurate and never misses a shot.
by RageofMarat October 8, 2011
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1. The most unfortunate kind of sexual intercourse. Burr Fuck usually results in a small penis, leading to discomfort and pity from your sexual partner.
2. An expression used by sodomizing woodsmen when it is very cold.
1. Unfortunantley, when i lost my virginity to Sara Palin it was a Burr fuck and even she felt sorry for me.
2. Ahh Burr Fuck (says the sodomizing woodsmen)Bring me that city boy.
by Sizlin_Mitch February 26, 2009
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The fucking idiot who killed ALEXANDER HAMILTON THE BEST PERSON IN THE FUCKING WORLD just because he wanted to be president the idiot who had the cutest child called Theodosa what I'm in love with and the fucking cunt who every one should hate
Oh your such a Aaron burr
by Hamiltonlover February 19, 2018
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Aaron Burr is as much of a dick as George Eacker and would make great Hamilton killers
Aaron Burr shot Alexander fucking Hamilton
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when all of a sudden its freezing balls out when it was just warm
omg its so burr berrys outside I'm staying in.

BURR BERRYS its cold out!!
by dababies May 14, 2011
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A description of how cold a room or the weather is. Usually used to confuse or get a ride out of your friends.
WOW it’s Burr Kitty. I need a jacket.
by Myself 2379 October 26, 2020
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