From random guy in Ukraine's "+380" to the atomic age, Troy's Joseph Kennedy pivot to nuclear science and luminary discovery for Oppenheimer himself.
Example of how it's used in a sentence:

Person 1: Who's that playing Kennedy?
Person 2: That's Troy Bronson as Joseph W. Kennedy in OPPENHEIMER, a huge piece to the bomb puzzle and directional mastery of secret character.
Person 1: He sure desTROYed with that plutonium discovery!
Person 2: Time for another viewing!
by courtofowls September 4, 2023
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"Playing it Bronson", (like the contemporary, "Playing it Bogart") comes from the movies, specifically the Death Wish series, where Bronson's steel will, unrelenting but silent rage ultimately shows through in a slow burning flame inching up a fuse until an explosion that is violent, quick and dirty.
"I could see that dude was playing it Bronson until he smashed the other guys face and crunched his dick with his boot in a matter of seconds."
by TheRealDelirum August 22, 2018
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The accumulation of piss, sweat and underwear fluff that accumulates under ones foreskin after not showering for a week. Resembles blue cheese fermented with picked onions.
Can you smell that?

Yeah dude, what is it ?

Jim's dick, it's definitely Bronson Juice
by Dad's Undies May 31, 2023
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Bronson is a prick he will be ugly and stupid though the prettiest girls will always fall for him he is not intelligent at all
Ugh Bronson failed his test AGAIN
by Cookies for life November 1, 2019
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Bronson is a word for someone who is also known as Burt. Everything they say is exaggerated and dishonest.
Don't be a Bronson.
Did you hear Bronson bought a boat
by Aphrolicious September 24, 2022
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