being fast ; hot in temperature ,smoking
Did you see that guy he was blazing!!

It's blazing outside!
by micheal de france April 16, 2014
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the bay area's definition of the act of smoking weed.
ay nigga u down to blaze? i got fiver.
by ? February 17, 2004
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In simplest terms, extremely blowed. High on the ganja/marijuana/weed/pot
"Yo homie, last night I was so blowed, I thought I was the one shooting at Greedo!" - Star Wars fan who was recently blazed
by SuperSonicX September 18, 2005
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1. To smoke good weed.
2. To get high off of some good weed.
3. To have have good long sex (often ending with the parties wanting more).
4. To crack a funny joke on someone.
1. Yo, son, I'm about to blaze the hell out of this shit. You want some?
2. Kid, I smoked that blunt last night and I was blazed as fuck.
3. (girl) Yo, that nigga blazed and I couldn't walk.
(guy) Yo, fuck all of that, I'm just gonna blaze that bitch and be out.
4. Yo, don't get mad cuz she blazed ya ass.
by DaFyneChocolateNigga May 13, 2005
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To get 'owned'
by jessere2k11 March 14, 2011
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He smoked far too much and was really blazed.

Let's get blazed.
by Xadie September 3, 2003
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To be Blazed on weed too stoned
Blazed that joint right down to the roach
that ak47 gets me blazed makes my find fealin like a maze
by Dezza March 19, 2005
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