Red dots on your face that people make fun of you for even though they had the same thing at one point
“Look at Emmys acne, so gross
“But you literally have the same amount of acne on your face.”
by sadbish March 2, 2019
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Basically a face std bc like an std it prevents u from ever getting fucked
Sarah wouldn’t fuck me last night cuz she said my acne was kicking in and I looked like a pepperoni pizza
by Sexy beast124 June 1, 2019
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An obsession with your lack of knowledge by which you think you are doing your face some good but are actually the cause of your disgrace!
Isn't it a miracle! When you stop touching your face your acne gets better!
by federici July 24, 2018
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i have no acne
by sharks28 October 26, 2016
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that stupid shit that literally no one likes and makes ur skin look like a bumpy-puss-digusting-horrifying-cruel-ewww mess
pimple face bitch: i fucking hate people with acne
person 2: you'll get self love one day! <3
by thewhiteonmyskiniscum February 8, 2022
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A yes. Acne u probably have some so clear it up u nerd
Joe u have acne
Your mum
by Drippyclincker December 30, 2022
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(N.) Someone who stays up all night playing LoL, more than likely over weight, probably addicted to doritos, mountain dew and pornography. Is usually covered in acne and will be prone to say they fucked your mother over the internet. A synonym for this word is Weeaboo.
Anthony is such an acne-bro.
by Buttstuff21 March 11, 2016
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