When your significant other won't let you in the back door.
"Hey, did you get some last night?"
"I did, but when I tried to go in back door, my dick got 404'd"
by KUJ March 9, 2016
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When you drink an entire Four Loko and a Forty (preferably with 8.0+ %) at the same time. Can be taped to your hands in a similar fashion as Edward Fortyhands, but you may die. It's an error because you will pass out, you will say and do stupid shit, and you'll wake up at 6 am and post a description of what happened to you. I can't wait to see the pictures...

Also Error 404 happens when a server can't find the picture it's looking up, and you'll wish it happened to every picture taken of you. 40 + 4 Loko = Error 404
Yo let's go pregame the volleyball game.
*buys lemon lime four loko and 9.1% CAMO silver ice 40 for 6.75$*
*doesn't go to the volleyball game*
*pukes a little bit*
*hits leg on something*
*goes to bed really early*
*saran wrapped legs*
*shoes in bed*
Basically, uber drunkenness.
OMFG, that Error 404 was not a good idea, I missed wayyyy too many parties.
by caust1c October 30, 2010
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WTF? Oh no, IIS got down still another time!
Uh oh! You stumbled upon a 404 error!
Either the page you are trying to access is not on our server, or you typed in the wrong URL.
by Uc@Nap December 23, 2004
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If it is on the internet, it has once been offline or shall be offline eventually.
Guy A: OMFG facepunch if done
Guy B: DAM YOU RULE 404!!
by Gikon October 28, 2007
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error 404 page not found
gashgshdgmkjkhchn error 404 page not found
by kirbo = kirby October 13, 2020
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An amazing tiktoker with over 1000 followers. This person has worked hard to get where they are today, if you’re seeing this you are a amazing beautiful human.
404.rremi Is a good TikToker
by GGwasfound July 12, 2021
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