An antonym of rose-tinted glasses.

To see things through shit-tinted glasses means to look at things in a pessimistic manner, to see something negatively, and/or as worse than it actually was. Shit-tinted glasses is usually brought on by angst, having a particularly shit day, or even sometimes for no reason in particular.
Person 1: Fucking christ, looking back on it, my teachers back in elementary school were assholes.
Person 2 (Person 1's friend and former classmate): Not really. Have you considered the thought that you're looking back into the past through shit-tinted glasses? You were kind of a little shit back then.
by Glennicus August 28, 2020
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To black someones eyes by punching them in the face
Keep playing wit me Laya Im gonna tint your windows.

That nigga came in late from the strip club so I tinted his windows.

Man #1: Hey man why is she wearing them dark shades?

Man #2: I caught her wit anotha dude and I tinted her windows.
by JMayBay March 14, 2008
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A driver with tinted windows that cuts you off in traffic, with tinted window's ans when you cant see his face or where he is from you Scream TINTED FUCK HEAD!!!
"you tinted fuck head you cut me off what the hell is your problom"
by lizbellet33 February 10, 2009
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Student: Here's my assignment. I know it looks like a blank page, but I wrote it in invisible ink.
Teacher: Damn! It's more invisible than a black man in a car with tinted windows at 3AM! I wish I could give you an A+, but I can't mark it. You fail.
by UrbanPrick February 20, 2011
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A phrase used to refer to looking back on a past occurrence with context from the present and finding a new meaning.
Now that I know I'm transgender, I look at parts of my early childhood and see tons of signs that I never noticed until now. That's the Tinted Glass Effect.
by Agent Liz April 7, 2021
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A vibe.
1.The tint that you and I share is awesome. 2.I'm getting a bad tint in this place
by Okayyyyyyyyyyyyy September 8, 2019
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