Used as an insult to straight people from an actual gay person
Kim is so ghey and not in the good way.
by Asphincter January 25, 2005
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Jack is also a ghey and a boizy hreek!
Jack: "You gheys!"
David: "Yer mumz a batty"
by monkeybob November 30, 2004
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A GHEY is an honorary GAY that doesn't participate in any of the actual sexual aspects of being GAY but loves Gay's, Gay culture and is comfortable enough with their own separate sexual identity.
No, she's not Gay. She's GHEY. There is a difference.
by @MizzTaylor January 19, 2010
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Derived from teh latent and overly used term from the late 1990's "gay" Referring not to ones actual sexual preference or lack there of. But rather to pin point on the subject(s) at hand's superior levels of fail or lame.
Guy 1: Dude, guy on 4chan just totally flamed some camwhore
Guy 2: That is soooo ghey! And then they wonder why no hot girls wanna cam with them.
Guy 1: srsly. super ghey
by Teh Andeh May 7, 2007
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An extreme version of GAY. This is the pinicacle of flaming wrist snapping fabulous.
That guy wearing the hand stiched daisy dukes and the silk blouse is definatly GHEY.
by Jon Sanchez July 13, 2006
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A higher, more flamer-esqe version of gay people. It is when a series of men, usually 3, enter a mindset together where they want to have intense fetish buttsex or take part in another form of homosexual intercourse.
"Hey Dale...want to call Jim and be ghey?"

"Steve, did you hear that Jim, Dale, and Mike were being ghey?!"
by DaRansom April 25, 2010
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n. v. Pronounced "gay." Used when someone is acting like a total fag, but only figuratively.
Spencer: "Hey Eric, do you want to go to Books-A-Million?"
Eric: "Fuck no, that's ghey, you fucking ghey!"

As opposed to when it is used in the literal sense.
Spencer: "Hey Eric, Raj and I are going to go have anal sex and cum all over each others' balls, do you want to join in?"
Eric: "Fuck no, that's gay, you fucking gay!"
by Eric Houser October 29, 2006
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