hector does not smell. if he did smell like anything it would be sexy....or video games.
Hector does not smell.
by MickeyChickey October 4, 2003
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i'm hector...who are all of you...and yes i do smell like video games...perhaps sexy too
by aim sn:Abhorhex November 19, 2003
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I don't smell.
WTF are you guys talking about?
I do smell sexy.......and of videogames though!
by asses March 27, 2005
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Actually, I didn't say what he smells like. So for all I know Hector could be smelling like...um...a computer. Yeah! A Computer! That's right! (Just kidding Hector!) Don't die!
P.S. I'm watching you!!! Muahaha!
...... :} <---(evil grin)
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