The state of being oneself, free from any form of pressure (social pressure)
Suhail: Do you really love her?
Idris: I love her with all my inevitivity.
Suhail: I quite didnt get that.
Idris: With all I have within me; soulfully
by black vamp September 5, 2012
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Something that cannot be stopped, altered or denied in any way.

Something that is fact, nay fiction, and will occur at some point through time no matter what actions are taken to prevent it.
"The MacManus Marauders are going to kick some Tony Romo ass; it's an inevitability!"
by FactNayFiction September 1, 2008
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Spend your entire life working so you can one day lose it all. It is inevitable, you will slowly fade out of consciousness with every memory leaving your mind. Just knowing that you'll never remember your friends and family hits you really hard. Imagine keeping a well-paying job, kids, a wife, and losing it all in an instant. You end up asking yourself, "what's the point" if every single path leads to the same fate. death, death is inevitable
by ChingChongMudufuka October 31, 2018
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Something that is bound to happen.
Impossible to avoid.
Eventually going to happen.
Death is inevitable, everything must eventually come to an end.
by AGasp April 25, 2008
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Inevitable means that something is ultimatley going to happen, and theres no way out of it.
by bruntanng November 7, 2005
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