Even me an enviormental extremest thinks these people are insane. Protecting endangered animals and preventing animal abuse is one thing but preventing people from eating meat that is retarded. Wolves, big cats bears, even some birds and reptiles eat meat. I guess they want to stop those animals from eating meat too. They don't understand a balence in nature and a little bit of everything is good. Hypocritecal and stupid explanes PETA.
PETA is worthless, normal people would do better to help the enviorment than PETA.
by Lupine Shawn March 18, 2005
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Possibly more annoying than a Jehovah's witness Door knocker.
PETA or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
For house pets I understand but animals we use for food,
They bitch and whine that "Killing animals is wrong!" Yet humans need protien and some of the meat eaters don't like Soy meat.
Another example, If an animal rips into your house, most people would kill it, yet the PETAphiles would capture the animal and move him to a forest...Animals are not fucking retarded, they will follow the scent trail.

PETA meaning 2
People eating tasty animals, BBQ ribs sounds good right now.

PETA meaning 3
People eating tiny animals...
O_O I cannot say anything here.
*eats Chicken mcnuggets*
Jailer 1: What you in for?
Jailer 2: I killed a cow.
Jailer 1: damn thats heavy shit, the farmer must of..
Jailer 2: No no I killed it on Minecraft and the mother fucking PETA bitched at me.
Jailer 1: what the fuck?
Jailer 2: I know... ._.
Jailer 2: Soo, what you in for?
Jailer 1: ugh, ohh fuck......*im screwed*.
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PETA (pet euthanizing transgender anarchist) is a terrorist group of people that like animals, but have no knowledge about them. PETA tends to hate on humans for eating meat, and being normal humans, While they eat stake dinners and swear at the waiter for not being vegan. 100% of PETA members have autism, and cannot function as normal humans, so steal pets from people's porches or backyards to play with, and euthanize. PETA tends to hate on everyone that calls out their bullshit, and even harassed the currently dead, animal expert Steve Irwin on his birthday. This is one of many terrorist attacks PETA has released to the world. PETA claims to have over 6.5 million insane and retarded members.
If you wish to join the terrorists, here's the requirements:
1) must be an atheist.
2) must have a "let me talk to your manager" haircut.
3) must kick and punch puppies on the sidewalk.
4) every action must be hypocritical to your last sentence.
follow these steps to get a letter from PETA inviting you to join, and at least 50 restraining orders, and a notice that you are on a hit-list.
You're as fucking retarded as PETA.
by xrynightmare March 3, 2019
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A group composed of hippy retards, who believe that to solve the world's problems, they must become a bunch of pussies and stop using anything that comes from animals altogether. Christians tend to be against PETA, since the Bible says that Man has complete dominion over all the animals of the earth and can do whatever we want to them (Excluding being sick bastards and having sex with animals), including but is not limited to:

Eating them
Milking them
Killing them
Keeping them as pets to keep you company
Pretty much anything that doesn't involve sexual relations with an animal.

PETA would be a group of Goddamn hypocrites if they were a Christian organization.
Guy 1: I'm part of PETA!
Guy 2: You must be an asshole then...
Guy 1: Yep!
by Sherlock21st June 12, 2011
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A physchotic group of morons, whose goal is the total liberation of all animals. They try to achieve this goal by bullying and threatening people that eat meat or use animals for any purpose. They fail to realize that animals are superior to animals. Stay away from these nut jobs.
PETA- People for Extortion Terror and Abuse
by Matt0912 August 23, 2009
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People for Ethinacal Treatment of Animals are a Bunch of Terrorist That Smuggled Animals for Vegetables Toe Eat and These Jerks Will start another American Civil War. These Retards Killed Thousands of Pets Meaning Ingrid Newkirk Likes Farm Animals Better than Household Pets, Newkirk Will Beat a Little Child when its eating McNuggets Its Messed Up
They Thought Peta also Liked Household Pets But they Like Farm Animals Better. Well I'm getting the Hell outta Here
by SonofaDorito January 19, 2019
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A hypocritical organization that will never be successful in the Arctic regions, Siberia, New Zealand, the desert regions of Australia, Muslim-dominated countries, China, Scotland, Iceland, and the developing nations of Africa, Asia, Central America, or South America.

Also notice that the People of Ethical Treatment of Animals seem to favor the cute, cuddly-wuddly, furry animals. What about the insects and arachnids? What about the fish, mollusks, and crustaceans? What about the bacteria? What about the reptiles? What about humans? Don't they all have rights too? Would it be animal cruelty if one washes with antibacterial soap?

The PETA is also actively funding a dog-genocide campaign in which any canine suspected to belong to the Pittbull variety (a loveable, family-friendly, loyal dog that is safe with children IF TRAINED PROPERLY) is immediately taken from the owner and killed. Doesn't matter if the dog is half-Pittbull, 1/32 Pittbull, or looks like a Pittbull, the poor pooch will be marked for death.

Ethical Treatment my ass.
The campaigns of the PETA organization will fail miserably in the developing nations of Africa, Asia, and South America because the people there, who for centuries have traditionally used animals as a primary mode of transportation, source of food, and method for planting/ploughing/harvesting crops, cannot afford to let their livestock roam free.

For every time the PETA pisses off humanity, I celebrate by barbecuing a steak or ribs.
by sarcastic June 16, 2004
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