A person who trades, buys, or sells gift cards. This exchange occurs to either obtain a different card through trades, receiving cash for a retail gift card, or simply receiving a discount through a purchase. Typically, these consumers, customers, or business persons are all looking to ultimately gain in the exchange of gift cards.
giftcarder, giftcarders, discount gift cards, cheap gift cards,
by giftcarder November 8, 2009
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This is a verb to explain the act of giving a gift card.
The boss was so appreciative of the hard work the employees did he giftcarded them $100 amazon.com gift cards
by Giftcarder1024 June 4, 2015
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When you want someone to join your free gift card giveaway by liking the video, turning on notifications, subscribing to the channel and commenting down below 'I subscribed'
by JTDOLAN January 1, 2018
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A card that you want to buy from Gamestop or any other shop with your mom's credit card.
Son: mom can i go to gamestop i want a roblox giftcard $50
Mom: no because you will spend all the money on it
by Roglox99 April 21, 2019
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A form of flirting in the 21st century. You send your crush an Amazon giftcard, where they can purchase anything their heart desires. It is particularly effective for courting millennials.
Dude 1: Bro idk how to get this girl's attention
Dude 2: Have you tried sending her an Amazon giftcard? Works every time, no girl would ever deny a guy a date after receiving one
by teeenerr October 12, 2017
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When someone loses their virginity on their birthday
Billy: What'd you get your girlfriend for her birthday?
Tim: I gave her a v-card giftcard
by Akeyyo July 18, 2018
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